Church lace. Is this an often forgotten and neglected aspect of Ecclesiastical Sewing? It is hard to tell. One sees new works of church lace on occasion. But they seem to be few and far between.
Lace can be a touchy topic when it comes to Ecclesiastical Sewing. Some of the experts square their shoulders, lift the chins, and proclaim on the mighty printed page, “Lace should never be used in the church.”
Our response is to timidly lift an eyebrow in wonder and ask, “Why?”
Why is there such vehement reactions to the word Lace when it comes to Church Embroidery? The opinions are strong both for and against the use of lace. While we ponder the question on whether lace should be used in the church, I will leave you with a lovely piece of antique church lace to enjoy for your viewing pleasure.
There are many types of lace used in the church, and we are not ready to dive into the topic today, but I hope you enjoy this little treasure as I finally return home after two weeks of travel.
Solo Dei Gloria
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Filed under: Ecclesiastical Sewing Tagged: church embroidery, Church Lace, Concordia Historical Institute, Ecclesiastical Sewing