In the evening twilight, the light of candles flicker as churches gather together in Vigil and prayer as they await the Easter dawn. As the pastor glides past aisles, moving from the dark recesses into the realm of soft candle light, the reflection and gleam of threads of gold glimmer in the dusk, giving a foretaste of hope as we await the Resurrection. All is not darkness.
With a soft drape, yet with body to hang without falling limp, this lovely liturgical fabric, Evesham, is made for movement. It falls in graceful folds, moving and awaiting the next opportunity to dance in the evening light.
The design, beautiful in two colors of white and gold, is elusive to the eye of the camera, refusing to be captured as the light bounces to and fro over the dainty motifs.
And just as we await the dawn and full light of day to behold the Resurrection, Evesham* bursts forth in full light, bright and radiant as we behold the Joy of the Resurrection.
Wishing you all the very Best as we Celebrate the 50 days of this Easter Season.
Solo Dei Gloria
Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designs, church vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest. Sing up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.
*Evesham: some liturgical fabrics have a story to tell while other liturgical fabrics aid in telling the story (the sights, the sounds, the bells and the smells of worship). The story of Easter happens in three days. We move from the utter despair of Good Friday (Black Vestments) to the Glory of the Resurrection on Easter. Evesham liturgical fabric at first glance appears subtle. But dim the lights, and add candlelight, and this fabric comes to life! It is made to reflect light with the historical pattern woven in threads of metallic gold. When on thinks of churches centuries ago, candlelight was the only source of light. The use of gold threads creates untold opportunities to capture that dim light of the grand cathedral in every possible way, and this liturgical fabric, made with gold metallic threads, plays its part.
Envision for a moment, a priest walking from the darkened sacristy in the light of a single candle. At first, nothing is visible. Yet as he proceeds up the aisle, the fabric and threads of gold move and catch a glimmer of light. He continues on his journey, and several more candles brighten the aisle, casting their meager flames into the dark night. Each ray of light reaches out, searching for something that will catch its glory. Suddenly, Evesham alights, softly glowing reflecting dozens and hundreds of candles in the dark of the evening. Each turn, each movement of the priest, vested in this lovely fabric, sends shimmers of brightness back to those watching and waiting. Easter is almost here – wait a little while in hope – it will not be long!
As the full light of the morning sun dawns through the window, the Evesham bursts forth in full radiance and glory as we celebrate the Joy of Easter.
Evesham is available in colors of white/gold, red/gold, blue/gold, violet/gold, green/gold and gold/gold. Watch for it soon on Ecclesiastical Sewing. It will be available when our new online storefront opens in July.
Filed under: Easter Church Vestment Set, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Liturgical Fabrics Tagged: Easter Church Vestment Set, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Evesham Liturgical Fabric, Liturgical Fabrics, Liturugical fabrics