Are your summer travel plans set yet for a visit to France to see the next exhibit at the Musée de la Visitation?
For those living in France, or Germany, Italy, or even the UK, the visit might be in the realm of possibility. Some from the US might also have a chance to visit the new Exhibit opening in May entitled 4 Centuries the Visitation in Moulins, there might be a small source of consolation.
Visiting the Photo Galleries available on the Museum website offers a glimpse at many beautiful pieces of Ecclesiastical Embroider and Ecclesiastical Sewing. The orphrey on the cope in the above photo has some wonderful figure embroidery. The top figures are Mary (Mater Dei) and Joseph. St. Francis is on the lower right, but the watermark blocks the name of the final figure. The work is a very beautiful example of figure embroidery.
And if photos from the website still are not quite enough to satisfy the desire to view these Ecclesiastical Treasures, there is always the option to purchase a Museum Guide Book.

To date there are 7 or 8 books listed on the Museum website. The photos are exceptional. One can look at most of the Ecclesiastical Vestment photos and clearly see stitching. The books may be available on the Museum of the Visitation’s website, and if not, Amazon in the US and Amazon UK have a few of the books. It might take a bit of hunting to locate the books you desire, but they are very nicely put together; a nice consolation for those not able to visit in person.
Happy travel plans to all.
Solo Dei Gloria
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Filed under: church vestment, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Musée de la Visitation Tagged: Church Vestment, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Musée de la Visitation, Museum of the Visitation