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All framed up and ready to stitch

Yesterday, I showed you the framing of my next hand embroidery project.  It is the Ecclesiastical Embroidery design for the  Pulpit fall for the new Easter Set.  The Ecclesiastical Embroidery design features a cross in the center of a circle. The bars on the cross have detailed floral motifs.  At the center of the cross is a Chi-Rho with an Alpha and Omega on either side in a modified quatrefoil  design.  There are some lovely lilies in the corners between the bars of the cross.



This is a design that came from an old embroidery book that is no longer in print.  A few things have been changed from the original design.  For instance, the original design had a detailed floral and scroll  border with German words around the edge in the circle.  That needed to be simplified.  The floral designs, although drawn in right now in the center of each cross bar, may be next to disappear.  Why one might ask?  This piece, when finished will be placed on a lovely and expensive Ecclesiastical fabric in a brocade.  All of the floral details in the cross bars, while very lovely, would have a lot of open space surrounding them. That space needs to either be filled with background stitches or converted to something else.  Leaving the space open with the linen showing is not an option.  And, I’m not sure I have the skill (and time) yet to manage all of that back ground between the flowers and swirls.

So if the flowers go – what next?  Well, this set is part of the Easter Ecclesiastical Vestment and Frontal set.  This set will be used during one of the highest festival seasons of the church year.  So, what could be more appropriate than the use of goldwork embroidery threads  for high festival church holidays?  The thought struck me that gold threads worked on the cross bars could be quite stunning.  Now, do I mix gold threads, do a basket-weave affect or what?  I am open to suggestions and could use help and advice on this.  Guess it is time to pull out the gold-work books and look at techniques.

It’s also a good thing that there is some extra space in the corners on the frame.  I think I will try out a few things to see how they look.  It will be helpful to check color options, too.

It is nice to have everything ready to go, with the exception of basting threads to keep layers together and a protection cover.  Maybe that can be done yet this evening. Better get started.

Thank you for reading and following along.

Solo Dei Gloria

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Filed under: Alpha and Omega, Christian Symbols, Ecclesiastical Embroidery, Ecclesiastical Fabric, Hand embroidery, Pulpit Fall Tagged: Alpha and Omega, brocade, Chi-rho, Christian Symbols, Ecclesiastical Embroidery, Ecclesiastical Fabric, ecclesiastical fabrics, Frames, goldwork embroidery, Hand embroidery, high festival church hoidays, Linen, Pulpit Fall, pulpit falls
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