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Liturgical Arts Resources

The work week has come to an end, and it is time to relax and catch up with what others are doing within the Liturgical Art scene.  Keeping abreast of what other artists are doing, whether they are painters, work in wood, ceramics,  or any number of other media, serves as a refueling for my work. So often, one feels like there is no one to connect with in the liturgical arts. We often work at home or in a studio, and seldom get a chance to view the creations of others, especially when one lives in a small out-of-the-way community. In an attempt to remedy the situation, a few moments spent perusing the internet can work wonders. While it will never replace a visit to an actual church, or to a museum to view liturgical art and church vestments in person, the internet can fill a void,  keeping one abreast of the latest trends and works of art being commissioned for use within the church.

The first link to share this with you this evening came about quite by accident, thanks to a Facebook post about  Lutheran Art Resources.  This website explains the purpose of liturgical art, both from a historical perspective, and why it is so important to preserve liturgical art in the church today. The emphasizing quality over quantity with regards to church furnishings, art, and even church vestments and church banners, the site expounds that more is not always better.  Among the various art forms referred to, the section relating to church vestments states the following:

Paraments and Vesture visually reflect the changing seasons of the church year, and may be a wonderful place to display Christian symbolism. The vesture of the historical Christian church has been in use for well over a millennium, and outwardly reflects reverence in the presence of Christ. Consider commissioning one-of-a-kind paraments, stoles, or chasubles.*

Artisans of the past devoted extensive time, money, and talent when creating reverent works of art for use in the church.  Churches were a visual feast for the eyes, as well as a place for nourishing the soul. By comparison, the lack of art in the church today often creates an environment that can be viewed as a wilderness, void of symbols, color, statues, paintings, beautiful vestments or anything to stir imagination, or create a sense of awe and wonder.

Knowing many churches today have limited financial resources, the options for liturgical art to beautify a worship space are plentiful and varied. Perusing the assorted links, one soon sees the possibilities available today for high quality work done by artisans with skill and expertise.  Once a project is decided upon, the website even has a helpful page providing advice on commissioning a work of art for the church.

For additional resources, check out some of the blog posts such as Scapegoat Studio Blog. The logo designs are very nice. One can see the care and attention used to fit the logo to the intended user.

The above example of a finished logo is a work of art. Perhaps some day the Consortium on Classical Christian Education will consider having this lovely logo digitized for machine embroidery.

Ad Crucem is a resource for various types of artwork from paintings by Edward Riojas and many others. The painting created by Edward Riojas are colorful, rich in meaning, and inspiring. I have enjoyed following his work for years.

After reviewing the various links to liturgical artists, the evening feels like a success, having connected with others who value a high standard of workmanship and beauty for artwork intended for use in the Lord’s House. It is a relief to know one is not alone in trying to recover the lost arts which were once so plentiful in nourishing our vision, and inspiring our souls.

Solo Dei Gloria

Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designschurch vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on  Ecclesiastical Sewing  on Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest. Sing up for our mailing list  at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.


*Quote From Lutheran Art Resources: http://www.lutheranart.com/where.html

Filed under: church vestment, Liturgical Artists, Lutheran Art Resources Tagged: church banners, church furniture, Church Vestment, liturgical art, Liturgical Artists, liturgical arts, Lutheran Art Resources
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